Assay In the terms of the Judicial Regime of the Goldsmiths and Assays, approved by law no. 98/2015, 18 August, an article with precious metal is legally marked when the following markings have been applied: The mark of responsibility, fabrication or equivalent is the marking that contains the engraving with the identification of the responsible party that provided the article with precious metal in the market and produce a brand with a privative design and a lettering of their own naming scheme, with their surnames or of their firms, ensuring that the design and lettering are distinctively visible in the contours periphery. Legal Marking Markings from Other EU or EEA Countries Markings originated from a member state of the European Union or the European Economic Area that comply with the requirements expressed in the article 11.º do RJOC are recognized. For additional information you may consult the Assay of Lisboa or the Assay of Porto. For more information related to the entities, the metals and the recognized markings, you may consult Portuguese Institute of Quality. Articles with precious metals originating from a member state of the European Union or of the European Economic Area (EEA) that find themselves deprived of the markings related to the respective legislation, but that are not deprived of the markings harbored by Portuguese legislation, should be tested and marked in advance by the Portuguese Assays or the Assay of the recognized country of origin, for the effect of them being placed on the national market. All articles are legally marked, whenever applicable. The buyer may, in case of doubt about the authenticity of the marks, resort, for verification purposes, to the Assay’s services (cfr al. a) e d) do nº2 do artigo 64º RJOC. All articles can be viewed physically by the competent authorities at: You can consult here the list, managed and organized by INCM, of valuers of articles with precious metals and gemological materials. Click here if you would like to know more information in relation to the daily quota of gold, silver, platinum, or palladium, in the terms of the document delineated a) no. 1 & no. 2 in the previous article.
The assay marking produces a mark that guarantees the legal touch of the articles with precious metals, or signifies particular circumstances, and identifies the assay by the specific parameters that were utilized, which consists, respectively, applied on a curved form, or an irregular octagonal shape, depending on the respective Assayers of Lisbon or Porto (see the brand designs below). The symbol varies depending on the metals:
Tempus Distribuição – Sociedade Comercial de Relojoaria, S. A.,
Avenida Infante D. Henrique, lote 1679, r/c Dtº.
1950-420 Lisboa